Organized by the Association of Grandparents
of Indian Immigrants
Association of Grandparents of Indian Immigrants
(AGII) will be conducting a Summer Video Viewing Camp for children of Indian
heritage to initiate Distance Education in religion and culture. The camp
starts on April 15, 2001 and will end on August 15, 2001. The participant
must belong to one of the following two age groups: (a) 6-10 years or (b)
11-16 years.
The parents of prospective participants may
register for their children before March 1, 2001 by sending necessary information
to the following address and a check of $7 (payable to AGII) to cover the
cost of the videotape, required study materials and postal charges. Send
the check to the following address:
AGII Office
2619 Bradwell Court,
Baltimore, MD 21234
Please include the following information along
with your communication.
Name of the participant:
Age of the participant:
Name of the parent/instructor:
Telephone #:
Complete mailing address:
e-mail address (if available):
Specially prepared videotape with stories from
Mahabharata, Upanishada, Panchatantra, Hitopadesh, Jataka and Indian History,
will be mailed to the participants before April 1, 2001 along with relevant
questions to answer. As part of the summer activity, the parents
will watch the video with them and help them to answer the questions provided
by AGII. The written answers of the participant must reach AGII office
before August 15, 2001.
A team of experts, chaired by Dr. Bibha Mukherjee,
Professor of History, will evaluate the answers. Seventy-five educational
videotapes (not released before) will be awarded to those participants
who provide the best answers from each group (a total of 150 videotapes
to be distributed by AGII), along with a certificate from AGII. The
award of the videotape, along with the certificate, will be mailed to the
qualified candidates by September 15, 2001.
All Balvihars (cultural schools of Indian children)
are requested to encourage their members to participate in this unique
educational project.
For further information, contact AGII by e-mail
or by mail: Grandpa, 2619 Bradwell
Court, Baltimore, MD 21234.
E-mail is preferred for all communications.