Vegetarian Food Habits of Hindus

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Hindus believe in Ahimsa, or non-violence.  The principle of non-violence extends to both, human beings and animals.

Majority of Hindus are vegetarians.  This means that they do not eat meat, seafood or other animal products.  Milk is generally an exception.

Here are some links which explain vegetarianism.  Since these are fairly advanced text, please ask your parents to explain this to you.  In the future we will have simplified texts.

wpe18.jpg (32126 bytes)Nonviolence Himalayan Academy

wpe18.jpg (32126 bytes)Vegetarianism Himalayan Academy

wpe18.jpg (32126 bytes)HSC's Environmentalism and Vegetarianism Projects

wpe18.jpg (32126 bytes)ISKCON Book Vegetarianism : The Higher Taste



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