Details : Ramayana Quiz 1


4. Dasharatha had three (and, not two) wives- KausalyA, SumitrA and Kaikeyi.

6. Vedas are four in number: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda; The story of SriRama does NOT appear in them. (However, there are two later Upanishads, namely Rama Purva- tApanIya and Rama Uttara-tApanIya Upanishads, giving an account of Rama's story. Also, in Valmiki Ramayana itself, Vedic approval is explicit for it in the statement: idam.... vedaishcha sammitam(Ref. 1.95) )

9. Traditionally the ten avataaras are in this order: Matsya, KUrma, VarAha, Nrasimha,Vamana (really it is Trivikrama), Parashurama, Sri Rama, KriShNa, BudhDha and Kalki. So, Sri Rama's was the 7th and not the fifth. (Note: Ahirbudhnya Samhita and Pancharatra list 32 avataras of Vishnu!)

10. Perhaps the 'kula purohita' Vasishta might have taught all the four princes their basic 3-R's (Reading, 'Riting & 'Rthmetic), (Valmiki states that all the four princes were well trained in martial arts at a very early age itself, in 1.18). However, it was Vishwamithra who took Rama & Lakshmana at a very early age, and taught them to master the use of sophisticated weaponry, for example, 'bala & atibala'.(Ref. 1.22, 27)

11. Bharata's mother was Kaikeyi, Lakshmana was Sumitra. (Bharata was elder to Lakshmana. Bharata was born on Dashami in Pushya Nakshtra, Mina (Pisces) Lagna; Lakshmana & Shatrughna were born same day later in Ashlesha Constellation and Karkataka (Cancer) Ascendant. Ref. 1.18)

16. Dasharatha was obviously with Kausalya during his last days, weeping helplessly. (Ref. 2.64)

24. No, twice!. In fact, Ravana was rebuffed by MArIcha when he approached him first time.( Ref. 3.31) Ravana went back, but came again (3.35) threatening to kill Maricha if he does not oblige. Maricha decided that it is better to be killed by Rama than by Ravana!(3.40-42)

26. No. Maybe he was deep asleep!

30. Angada was the son of Vali. Rama saw to it that Sugriva reconciled with Angada and he got the right administrative position in the reign of Sugriva, despite their earlier enemity. (Ref. 4.25)

31. No. The delay in couple months made Rama & Lakshmana very angry! (Ref. 4.31)

36. It was Sri Rama's personal ring with a special seal (abhijnAna- amgukIyaka), and not the wedding ring that Anjaneya carried with him (Ref. 4.44) that helped as an 'id'.

In return, Sita sent her head ornament called 'chUdAmaNi' thruHanuman (Ref. 5.38-39)

38. No, Sri Rama killed Kumbhakarna ( Ref. 6.67)(and obviously, killed Ravana too. Ref. 6.108)) (However, some later Ramayanas written by Jaina pets have made Lakshmana kill Ravana!)

39. No. Sri Rama sent words to Sita to come and meet him in the presence of all his friends and allies in Rama's camp. Rama's refusal to accept Sita, a dialogue betweenthe two, and a 'trial by fire' follows. (Ref. 6.112 - 118)

40. NO. Almost all dignitaries, Vibhishana included, accompany Sri Rama to return to Ayodhya, (en route 'Nandigrama') in 'Pushpaka Vimana', which could accommodate 'just one more 'Pushpaka Vimana', which could accommodate 'just one more person' at any given time of travel ! (Ref. 6.122)

43. No. Valmiki's list of VIP's attending SriRama's coronation does not include his former teacher, Vishwamitra! (Good many reasons can be postulated!) (Ref. 6.128)

46. No. It is poetry, mostly in Shloka format.

"Ramayana Quiz 1 & 2" (Copyright)1998, S K Harihareswara



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