Om jaya jagadeesha hare
swami jaya jagadeesha hare
bhakta janom ke sankat (2)
kshaNa me doore kare
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
Glory to the creator of the world, who takes away the troubles of the devotee
a flash! Glory to the creator of the world!
dhaare phala paave
dukha vinaash man kaa
swami, dukha vinaash man kaa
sukha sampati ghar aave (2)
kashta mite tan kaa
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
He who
prays gets fruit, troubles of the mind are set at peace, peace and prosperity come
home, problems of the body disappear! Glory to the creator of the world! |
pita tuma mere
sharaNa kahun mai kisaki
swami, sharaNa kahun mai kisaki
tum bina aur na duja (2)
aas karun mai jisaki
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
You are
my parents, who else could I surrender to for retreat, without you there is no one
else who I can rely upon! Glory to the creator of the world! |
tum pooraNa paramaatma
tum antarayaami
swami, tum antarayaami
paara brahma parameshwara (2)
tum sabaki swami
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
You are
omnipresent, you are omnipotent, you are Supreme Lord, you areeveryone's Master! Glory to
the creator of the world! |
tum karuNa ke saagar
tum paalana karata
swami, tum paalana karata
mai sevak tum swami (2)
kripa karo bharataa
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
You are
extremely merciful, you are the protector, I am your servant, you are my Lord, Have mercy
one m! Glory to the creator of the world! |
tum ho eka agochara
sab ke praaNa prati
swami, sab ke praaNa prati
kisa vidha miloo dayamay (2)
tumako mai kumati
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
You are
one invincible, you are dear to everyone' heart, How should I meet you, O compassionate
one? I being so ignorant! Glory to the creator of the world! |
deena bandhu dukha
tum rakshaka mere
swami, tum rakshaka mere
karuNa haath uthaao (2)
dvaara paree tere
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
friend of the poor, remover of all sorrows, O my protector, Raise your merciful hands, I
am at your doorstep! Glory to the creator of the world! |
vishaya vikaara mitaao
paapa haro devaa
swami, paapa haro devaa
shradha bhakti badhaao (2)
santana ki seva
Om jaya jagadeesha hare
Remove all my worldly passions and desires, free me from sin, enhance faith and
devotion in me and the spirit of service for the saintly beings! Glory to the
creator of the world! |